Te Hoiere Project Newsletter January/February 2025
Date:Categories:NewslettersNewsOur first newsletter for 2025 is full of updates from the catchment including upcoming events and an evening with a bat monitorer!
An evening with a bat monitorer
Date:Categories:NewsLearn more about the work of bat monitorer Nick Eade, one of the team working with Forest & Bird’s Te Hoiere Bat Recovery Project.
Forestry In Focus: Sediment Loading Study
Date:Categories:NewsRead more about Top of the South Wood Council's sediment loading study, one of five forestry innovation projects in Te Hoiere catchment.
Plan will capture estuary aspirations
Date:Categories:NewsA restoration plan for the Havelock/Motuweka Estuary will be a legacy of Te Hoiere Project for the community.
Prisoners roll up sleeves for Project
Date:Categories:NewsRolleston Prison's Horticultural Training Nursery has been a huge part of Te Hoiere Project's planting programme with a 'Rolleston' plant now in nearly every part of the catchment.
Field day celebrates collaboration
Date:Categories:NewsA forestry field trip in Te Hoiere brought together industry representatives, council staff from Marlborough, Nelson and Tasman, local Sounds councillors, contractors and landowners.
Te Araroa Partners for Pekapeka
Date:Categories:NewsThe Te Araroa Trust is partnering with Ngāti Kuia and Forest & Bird to support biodiversity in Te Hoiere, Pelorus Bridge.
Te Hoiere Project Newsletter November 2024
Date:Categories:NewslettersNewsOur last pānui for the year is out now and is full of information about the ongoing mahi in Te Hoiere including forestry initiatives, school planting days and ongoing efforts to protect pekapeka.
Keep off the seagrass this summer
Date:Categories:NewsHelp to protect our treasured ocean meadows, and keep off of rimurehia (seagrass) this summer.
Kia ora to Oren
Date:Categories:NewsMeet Oren, the most recent member of Forest & Bird's field team in Te Hoiere.
Restoring the mauri with future kaitiaki
Date:Categories:NewsCanvastown School and Queen Charlotte College unite for Te Hoiere, with about 400 native seedlings planted along waterways.
Welcome to Willi Borst
Date:Categories:NewsWhakamarino resident Willi Borst joins the team as Te Hoiere Project Co-ordinator.
A new path beckons for Ruihana Smith
Date:Categories:NewsIn the life of any project, inevitably people come and go but Ruihana Smith’s commitment to Te Hoiere Project will be enduring.
Efforts redoubling at Pelorus Bridge to protect pekapeka
Date:Categories:NewsForest & Bird, Department of Conservation, volunteers and ecologists are putting their heads together to design a new trapping grid to protect NZ's only native land mammal.
Forestry's riparian trials in OneFortyOne’s Tinline block
Date:Categories:NewsThis native planting project is testing several ways to add native bush along the banks of waterways, following a commercial forestry harvest.
Te Hoiere Project Newsletter September 2024
Date:Categories:NewslettersNewsFrom monitoring for native species and fostering the next generation of kaitiaki to a massive planting in Havelock and Ngāti Kuia's native nursery—our September pānui is out now.
Funding boosts fish migration efforts
Date:Categories:NewsIn the past year, significant steps have been taken to improve native fish migration within the Te Hoiere catchment, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our team and community partners. Read on.
Education empowers next generation in Te Hoiere catchment
Date:Categories:NewsLearn more about the series of immersive field trips taken by local schools within the Te Hoiere catchment, where students deepened their understanding of stream health with our Education Coordinator.
Guarding a wetland in Havelock
Date:Categories:NewsRead more about Marlborough District Council's restoration, which is undergoing riparian and wetland planting to improve freshwater quality, capture sediment, and provide biodiversity corridors.
Te Hoiere Project Newsletter July 2024
Date:Categories:NewslettersNewsFrom soil workshops and kākahi (freshwater mussels) to forestry projects underway and Ngāti Kuia's native nursery—our July pānui is out now.