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Ko te whāinga matua ko te whakarauoratanga o te whenua, o ngā wai, o ngā tai moana e matomato ai te tipu, e mauri ora ai te tangata.
We work together to restore the mauri of Te Hoiere land, waters, and coast which flourish, along with peoples’ wellbeing and livelihoods.
Our catchment actions are guided by our whakataukī and aspirations.
Learn more about the series of immersive field trips taken by local schools within the Te Hoiere catchment, where students deepened their understanding of stream health with our Education Coordinator.
Read more about Marlborough District Council's restoration, which is undergoing riparian and wetland planting to improve freshwater quality, capture sediment, and provide biodiversity corridors.
From soil workshops and kākahi (freshwater mussels) to forestry projects underway and Ngāti Kuia's native nursery—our July pānui is out now.
Forest & Bird are leading efforts for predator trapping and monitoring, weed clearing and native planting, as well as enhancing its longstanding pekapeka monitoring programme.
From soil workshops and kākahi (freshwater mussels) to forestry projects underway and Ngāti Kuia's native nursery—our July pānui is out now.
From soil workshops and land management to pest control for at-risk species—our April pānui is out now.
From wasp control and bat monitoring with Forest and Bird to joint fish monitoring across the catchment--our February pānui is out now.
Our final newsletter of 2023 is out now! Check out Ngāti Kuia's wetland restorations and cultural monitoring for freshwater; Forest & Bird at Ronga for this year's native planting; and much more.