Te Hoiere Knowledge
This page contains links to reports and knowledge that are closely connected to the Project.
Local Knowledge
A local oral history of environmental change in Pelorus/Te Hoiere, Marlborough
Understanding Habitats
Whio in Whakamarino (Wakamarina) - 2023
Drone trial for estuarine birds - 2023
Te Hoiere/Pelorus River Ecological Integrity - DOC and NIWA
Work is currently under way, through the project and can be found here.
In 2021, an evaluation of geomorphology of three Ngā Awa Rivers was carried out. Te Hoiere Project was lucky to be one of the catchments included in this study. Geomorphological Evaluation of Three Ngā Awa Rivers
Water Quality
In mid-2020, Ministry for the Environment approved funding for extensive water quality monitoring to provide baseline information and to identify priority areas for water quality improvements. This report provides a summary of the results from this monitoring. Between August 2020 and July 2021, Marlborough District Council collected monthly water samples and field observations from 113 monitoring sites, an extensive network of stream and river locations in Te Hoiere.
Water Quality in the Te Hoiere Catchment Restoration Project Area – A Summary of Baseline Monitoring