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Guiding Our Actions

Haere, kakea te ara poka hou

Nā tō mātou tupuna a Kupe te mānuka i whakatakoto, kia whāia tonutia e tātou i ōna tapuwae. Kua hīkina ake te mānuka, kua whakamaua kia ita - ko au ko te whenua, ko te whenua ko au!

Go ascend the newly trodden path

With these words Kupe, explorer and tupuna, challenged us to follow his example and seek knowledge of the land. The people of Te Hoiere have taken up this challenge, together climbing a new path, strengthened by love of the land and respect for Papatūānuku.

Community voices are the foundation of the Integrated Catchment Enhancement Plan.

A collective voice

This whakataukī, Haere, kakea te ara poka hou (Go ascend the newly trodden path), is a proverb from a Ngāti Kuia waiata, describing Kupe’s exploration from the mountains to the sea. Today, it's also used to describe the journey of the community, climbing a new path, together.

In 2020-2021, the Te Hoiere community crafted a collective voice into a vision, aspirations, principles and actions during a process of ‘planning by the community for the community’.

These elements reflect over 400 individual voices and 1400 statements which constitute the main content of Te Hoiere's Catchment Enhancement Plan, providing strategic direction for the Project in the coming years.

Ko te whāinga matua ko te whakarauoratanga o te whenua, o ngā wai, o ngā tai moana e matomato ai te tipu, e mauri ora ai te tangata.

We work together to restore the mauri of Te Hoiere land, waters, and coast which flourish, along with peoples’ wellbeing and livelihoods.

Te Hoiere/Pelorus Project progresses towards realising community aspirations:

Oranga Ngahere | Native biodiversity flourishes

Te Hoiere/Pelorus forests ring with birdsong. Native plants, birds, bats, snails, and insects flourish. In rivers, streams, estuaries, and inlets, taonga populations are abundant and self-sustaining. Ecosystems are healthy and well-connected providing vital ecological pathways and resilience.

Oranga Wai | Freshwater sustains life

Freshwater is clean and clear, sustaining aquatic life, wildlife and the people that rely on it. Flows preserve and support healthy ecological function through seasonal and annual variations. The changing climate is considered in decision making, to ensure water use does not impede the environment’s resilience.

Oranga Arawai | Waterways are healthy and resilient

Community and industry-led action minimises sediment, nutrient and bacteria loading to levels that allow natural sustainable functioning of the estuary, contributing rivers and streams. The potential for upstream human activities to have downstream impacts is recognised, acknowledged, and effectively managed. The receiving coastal marine areas of the Marlborough Sounds supports and sustains an abundance of life.

Oranga Whenua | Landscape character is preserved

Upper catchments are rugged, wild, pristine and peaceful. Rural catchments maintain an uncrowded character, with a patchwork of protected areas and productive land. People preserve and cherish this diversity while enjoying a flourishing natural environment.

Oranga Ahikā | Te Hoiere is a place of Māori origin and connection

Whakapapa associations with Te Hoiere are respected and celebrated. Ngāti Kuia are acknowledged as ahikā of Te Hoiere awa and moana, a status shared by Rangitāne along the Kaituna awa. Iwi traditions and relationships to te Taiao and wāhi tapu are protected, encouraged, and revitalised through targeted restoration activities, cultural participation and whānau employment. Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Rangitāne o Wairau, Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui and Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional associations are affirmed and recognised.

Oranga Ahurea | Diverse cultures and experiences are respected and celebrated

Ancestral, cultural, historic and personal knowledge and experience is respected and celebrated across diverse cultures, world views and industries.

Oranga Tangata | People live sustainably with the land

People and communities live and work sustainably in our natural environment. Thriving natural ecosystems support community wellbeing and a diverse and resilient local economy. Drawing on new technologies and innovative techniques enables safeguarding of natural resources that support primary production, processing, and tourism.

Oranga Taonga | People co-create solutions

Communities are united by efforts to restore the mauri and protect taonga of Te Hoiere/Pelorus. People share knowledge, resources and expertise across diverse cultures, world views and industries. They co-create solutions that work for all. Mutual respect creates community wellbeing.

Oranga Whakatau | Decision-making is informed

People participate in research and innovation and draw on external knowledge, enabling co-design of effective solutions. Data collection and access to education and science resources ensures informed decision-making.

Oranga Ngahau | People enjoy the outdoors

Residents and visitors enjoy relaxation and recreation on Te Hoiere land and waterways. There is safe and signposted access to recreation. The beauty of nature inspires creativity.

Oranga Anamata | Future generations benefit

Future generations benefit from a healthy natural world and understand how to sustain and protect this.

Oranga Taiao | Build resilience to climate change

The environment, community and economy are resilient to a changing climate including extreme events. Te Hoiere catchments are an important carbon sink.

Koinei ngā mātāpono o te kaupapa nei | Guiding us are the principles of Te Hoiere/Pelorus Project:

Ki uta, ki tai | From the mountains into the sea

The interconnected land and waters of Te Hoiere will be protected, restored, and enhanced from the mountains into the sea. This approach seeks long-term environmental, cultural, social, and economic outcomes.

Kaupapa Māori | The Māori worldview

Te Reo Māori, tikanga Māori and mātauranga Māori/language, protocol and knowledge are embraced.

Kotahitanga | Unity

Our strength is in unity. People plan and work collaboratively with respect and kindness to restore Te Hoiere/Pelorus land and waters.

Mātauranga | Collective knowledge

The knowledge of ancestors, knowledge of Te Hoiere land and waters, people’s experiences and learning are celebrated and shared. Communities access expert knowledge and are actively involved in research, innovation, and decision-making.

Manuka takoto, kawea ake | Taking up the challenge

The Project is adaptable, resilient, and sustainable, future-proofing nature to withstand climate change and other challenges.

Rangatiratanga | Leadership

Robust governance, a sound framework and funding support timely action and reinforce the Project into the future. Monitoring and evaluation ensures swift progress is made and social, economic, cultural, and environmental gains are measured and preserved.

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Integrated Catchment Enhancement Plan

Check out the community's full plan, created from geospatial information, that enables these aspirations to be a living, interactive platform for all to see.
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