Ngā Tai Pūrua
For Ngāti Kuia, this commercial native nursery at Titiraukawa is a crucial step towards the ultimate goal of enhancing the financial and economic well-being of whānau and ensuring prosperity in Te Tauihu. As part of the Project, aligned with the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance strategy, Ngāti Kuia are committed to supporting the mauri (life force) and mana of te taiao (nature).
With the capacity to produce 200,000 seedlings annually, the nursery will play a vital role in Ngāti Kuia's restoration kaupapa, supplying essential plants to support te taiao. The nursery's infrastructure includes a header house, greenhouse, shade cover area, hardening-off space, and staff facilities, ensuring a robust and sustainable operation.
The nursery's name, Ngā Tai Pūrua, refers to the junction of the two rivers, Rai and Te Hoiere, where the nursery is located.

Whenua Haumako
At the site, Ngāti Kuia is also restoring a significant wetland, Whenua Haumako. Whenua Haumako is identified in the Marlborough Environment Plan as Significant Wetland W373 and it’s named to reflect the whenua – land, ground and terrain – and Haumako, meaning rich, fertile and productive. About 3,000 native seedlings have been planted at this wetland, joining existing mature podocarps.
Contact the Ngāti Kuia Nursery Manager at to discuss plant availability.